All About Brigate Rosse & Disney's First Italian Series, April 13
Salve ragazzi,
Variety Magazine got me all excited with an article entitled, Italian TV Shows To Stream, but boy is that title misleading! My husband, who is so very helpful in pointing out Italian cinema news he comes across, emailed me the link with the message, “Did you know about this?😳”
I was stunned and embarrassed because I did not know about this! But on further inspection, I see that’s just because there was nothing to know. Yeah, well thanks for nothing, Variety. Even though we ALL know about these coming attractions, none of them are available to stream just yet.
It’s worth the reminder that, coming soon:
Marco Bellocchio’s Esterno Notte
This show is in POST PRODUCTION but not yet AVAILABLE. It is about the 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists and if ya’ll haven’t watched Bellocchio’s movie Buongiorno Notte (Good Morning, Night) I really urge you to do that before the series starts. It stars Luigi Lo Cascio, Maya Sansa, Roberto Herlitzka, and Bellocchio’s son Pier Giorgio, and it’s an awesome movie that is impossible to find. 😄 So here’s the thing. If you are an I Love Italian Movies Insider and want to borrow my DVD, let me know. I will send it to you if you agree to return it to me or keep it and pass it on when someone else wants it. If this works, I’ll try it with other movies!
Send your name and address to me at with the message, LEND ME THE MOVIE, and I’ll get it right out to you. Remember, you have to be an Insider to participate! Just $5 a month, a free movie that you won’t find anywhere else, and my eternal gratitude for supporting the newsletter!
Also coming soon and also about Red Brigades Terrorists, The General’s Men, starring Sergio Castellitto.
Castellitto plays General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, the heroic chief of the Carabinieri polic who in 1974 formed the Nucleo Speciale Antiterrorismo, a unit of elite young officers, to fight Le Brigate Rosse, the Red Brigades.
If you have been watching Season 3 of L’Amica Geniale, My Brilliant Friend, you’ve gotten to know more about the turbulent era through Elena’s childhood friend Pasquale (Eduardo Scarpetta), a fighter hating member of the Red Brigades.
Just to make sure you know, the Red Brigades, Brigate Rosse was an Italian Marxist- Leninist terrorist group formed in 1970 that for a dozen or so years brought fear and anarchy to Italy. It’s been said that the Brigate Rosse are responsible for 14,000 acts of violence in the 70s and that 75 people were murdered by them, mostly for political reasons.
For more about the Red Brigades, you can watch La Meglio Gioventù (The Best Of Youth) and Romanzo Di Una Strage (Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy).
Disney released the official poster for Le Fate Ignoranti (International title, The Ignorant Angels), their first Italian series. All of the episodes will drop on April 13th on Disney +, so that’s exciting!
The series is based on Ferzan Ozpetek’s eponymous movie starring Margherita Buy and Stefano Accorsi, about a woman who, when her husband suddenly dies, finds out that he had a secret life. The series will be directed by Ozpetek and, Gianluca Mazzella, his long-time collaborator. It will star Cristiana Capotondi, Eduardo Scarpetta, Luca Argentero, and Serra Yilmaz who also starred in the movie.
Last week I wrote about the movies that Insiders will enjoy in April and May, but I need to tell you that I have changed my mind about one of them. I told you that I had selected Se Mi Vuoi Bene (If You Love Me) for April, and Guida Romantica A Posti Perduti (Romantic Guide To Lost Places) for May, but I found out that you can watch Guida Romantica A Posti Perduti with the San Diego Italian Film Festival on April 28.
I’ve replaced that one with Tutto Il Mio Folle Amore, a movie directed by Gabriele Salvatores (Io Non Ho Paura) and starring Valeria Golino and Claudio Santamaria.
More on this to come - watch the trailer HERE.
Allora, alla prossima!
Un bacione 💋,
America’s Cheerleader For Italian Cinema